Tuesday, 15 May 2018

What’s in a bamboo fruit? Researchers find out

·         Photo : Dr. K. C. Koshy, Dr. B. Gopakumar
Photo : Dr. K. C. Koshy, Dr. B. Gopakumar
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The bamboos, world’s tallest grass, are evergreen flowering plants belonging to the family Poaceae. The shoots of the plant are widely used for the construction of houses and to produce paper and pulp. In some communities, the younger and tender shoots are consumed as food. A well-known phenomenon of this versatile plant is its flowering — a spectacular sight that is seen once in many years — after which the plant dies.
Although the flowering provides an abundant supply of bamboo fruits, it brings in uninvited guests — the rush of rats. What’s in the fruit that makes it a favourite among these rodents? A study primarily by researchers at the Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI), Kerala, tries to answer.
The researchers of the study, published in Nature Group’s Scientific Reports, have investigated the nutritional properties of the fruits belonging to the bamboo Melocanna baccifera, locally known as ‘Muli’. The research work was funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and the Plan Funded Research Programme of the Government of Kerala, India.
Muli bamboo is distributed across North East India, Nepal and Bangladesh and it flowers once in every 40-50 years. Its fruits are savoured by rodents, which feed on the grains from nearby agricultural fields post the bamboo fruiting season. In addition to the massive crop loss (which even led to famines in the past) that the rats cause, they rapidly multiply, leading to the outbreak of diseases.
“The bamboo clumps of Melocanna baccifera were introduced to JNTBGRI during 1988-1996, which flowered during 2009 to 2015 and produced attractive flowers and fruits. Since then, we have studied the nutritional aspects and the chemical compounds produced by this plant”, says Dr. Sabulal Baby, a senior scientist at JNTBGRI, in an interview with Research Matters. The current study tries to answer if the fruits of Melocanna baccifera are to be blamed for the devastation caused by the rats by conducting feeding experiments with the rats in the laboratory.
The researchers extracted, screened and identified the different compounds (phytochemicals) present in the fruits of the bamboo plant. The study revealed that they contain amino acids like lysine and glutamic acid among others, carbohydrates like glucose, fructose and sucrose, phenolic acids and about 15 types of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The study also found potassium to be a significant mineral content in the fruits.
Which of these chemicals attracted the rats? The feeding experiments showed that rats like to eat the liquid present in the fruit (the sap) and the seed.  However, the rats could not live on the fruits alone since the experiments showed that those rats that were fed only with the fruit eventually died of insufficient energy and hypoglycemia. This result also disproves the common belief that the proteins in the fruits drove the rapid multiplication of rats.
“We found only a minimal amount of protein in M. baccifera fruits. But, previous studies had reported that the fruits are protein-rich and cited this as a reason for the multiplication of rats. We believe that the phytochemicals in the fruits are the reason for the rats’ liking for the fruit. We have definite clues and are further working on this hypothesis”, says Dr Sabulal about the findings of the study.
Another study by the reseachers found that the fruits have a high nutritional and medicinal value with rich antioxidant properties. The fruit alone is not a complete food, but when supplemented with proteins, they are valuable food additives. When consumed as a part of the regular diet, the fruit is known to prevent colon cancer, protect the body against stroke, ensure proper functioning of the cells, maintain electrolyte balance, and lower cholesterol levels.
The researchers believe that the results could potentially help in preventing and managing rodent outbreaks in areas where the bamboo is grown. Also, it can address other ecological and social problems associated with the flowering of M. baccifera like famines and disease outbreaks.
“Recent flowering of M. baccifera from 2004-‘08 occurred in 1.76 million hectares* of geographical area in the North East Indian states of Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur, Meghalaya and Assam. It resulted in the flowering and death of about 26 metric tons* of Muli bamboo. Data on the nutritional value of fruits could enhance their use by humans, and in turn, reduce its availability to rodents”, says Dr Sabulal.
*Jeeva, S.; Kiruba, S.; Lalhruaitluanga, H.; Prasad, M. N. V.; Rao, R. R. Flowering of Melocanna baccifera (Bambusaceae) in northeastern India. Current Science 96, 1165-1166 (2009).

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

JNTBGRI Bambusetum: State of the art

Bambusetum at Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI) maintains diverse bamboo species and their different hereditary lines along with records of their pheno-events such as growth, flowering, fruiting, death and details on progenies. This paper concerns to bambusetum history and an inventory of its collections (68 spp. and 1 variety under 15 genera and 12 hybrids).

                    Koshy, K C.  2017. Bambusetum at Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute: State of the art. In P Singh and S S Dash (Eds) Indian Botanic Gardens:Role in Conservation, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkatta. pp 361-378.

Read article at: 

Monday, 5 March 2018

27 secondary metabolites from Melocanna baccifera!

Secondary metabolites from the unique bamboo, Melocanna baccifera

Phytochemistry of fruits and leaves of the unique bamboo Melocanna
baccifera resulted in the isolation of 27 secondary metabolites,
including 4-Oxabicyclo[3.2.2]nona-1(7),5,8-triene and Verbacine.
Biological activity studies of Verbacine revealed it as an inhibitor of
acetylcholinesterase and as cytotoxic against C6 cancer cells.

Balaji Govindan, Anil John Johnson, Gayathri Viswanathan,Venkataraman Ramaswamy, Konnath Chacko Koshy & Sabulal Baby. 2018.  Secondary metabolites from the unique bamboo, Melocanna baccifera, Natural Product Research, DOI:10.1080/14786419.2018.1434647

Read the article at :DOI:10.1080/14786419.2018.1434647
Full text:

Friday, 20 May 2016

Largest bamboo fruit Melocanna baccifera-Nutritional properties and ecological significance

Melocanna baccifera is a unique bamboo which produces the largest fruits in the grass family. Its gregarious flowering once in 45–50 years in north east India and adjacent regions is a botanical enigma,resulting in a glut of fruits. Proper utilization of M. baccifera fruits is not extant, and huge quantities of fruits are left underexploited due to lack of scientific information on their chemical composition and nutritional potential. Here we report the nutritional properties of M. baccifera fruits, and the ecological significance of its fruiting. This pear-shaped, fleshy bamboo fruit is rich in amino acids (lysine, glutamic acid), sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose) and phenolics (ferulic acid). Protein content (free, bound) in M. baccifera fruits is very low. Fruits are rich in saturated fatty acids (palmitic acid), minerals (potassium), and only B series vitamins (B3) are detected in them. Rat feeding experiments showed that M. baccifera fruit alone is not a complete food, but with other protein supplements, it is a valuable food additive.This study could lead to better utilization of M. baccifera fruits during future flowering/fruiting events.These results could also help in the successful management of rodent outbreaks and other ecological problems associated with M. baccifera fruiting.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Highest chromosome number in bamboos

We  studied the cytology of the genus Pseudoxytenanthera Soderstr. & R. p. Ellis occurring in the Western Ghats. In this genus one unnamed species (P. sp.) recorded 2n=192 which is the highest chromosome number in woody bamboos and is reported here for the first time.

Read the publications at:

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Documentation in botanic gardens/conservatories- a new method

Documentation in botanic gardens/conservatories is an important matter. We propose a mehod using Total Station.

Total Station, commonly used in modern surveying, is a useful tool to document live collections in a garden. Total Station survey conducted at the Bambusetum of Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, India and the contour map thus prepared is a permanent documentation of the bamboo live collections. This is found very convenient for research data collection, proper maintenance, further enrichment and future development planning of this Bambusetum. The advantage in this method is that it is easy to locate any individual tree or species in the area even if display labels are lost or the custodians of the collection are left.  This method is cheap and the work can be completed in a few days. It is desired that all botanic gardens and arboreta have a Total Station survey map of their collections.

  Koshy K. C., B. Gopakumar and K. P. Dintu. 2015. Total Station - A tool to map live plant collections. Indian Forester 141(4):473-474.

 read the article:


Thursday, 9 October 2014

World bamboo day 2014 celebrated at JNTBGRI

World bamboo day celebrated at Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, India on 18 September 2014

This year the Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI) at Palode, Trivandrum, Kerala, India celebrated the World bamboo day on 18 September in a simple way. Three staff members of the Bamboo Biology group, Mr B. Gopakumar, Technical Officer, Mr N Salahudeen, Garden Maistry and Mr A Asokachandran Nair, Gardener jointly planted a sapling of Neololeba atra (Lindl.) Widjaja, received from Singapore. This species, distributed in C. Malesia to N. & NE. Queensland, is a new addition to the Bambusetum of JNTBGRI.

Following the planting ceremony, Dr K C Koshy, leader of the group, inaugurated the distribution of seedlings of Bambusa tulda Roxb. generated through seeds obtained from a flowering clump of the species grown in the Bambusetum.

K C Koshy
Bamboo Biology Group, JNTBGRI